Tuesday 14 October 2014

Where did I go? Good question; I caught a train......

Yep, I know the idea of a blog is to write and keep it going on a regular basis.  As it appears, and to state the bloomin' obvious, I checked out for a while.  Sorry about that but I caught this bizarre train, and I know I should have probably documented every step of the 'journey' whilst on that train, but alas, I didn't.  So to get the express version I thought my pictures always explain things alot better than words sometimes, so check this one out.....

So, this train trip had many stations and still continues to do so; determination, pity, frustration, with a side trip to un-motivation town; repeat.  Eight months to the day today (14 October 2014)  I've been riding this train.  Going up, down and around in circles.  But there be light at the end of the tunnel and after a crazy ride the pity has left the building a long time ago.  Frustration town still creeps in, and visits to un-motivation town still continue to haunt me.  The flip side is there is more time between physio visits and now doing Ballet Bare, Pilates, swimming with a wee kick, and running (cliffy shuffle) at intervals woot woo.  So whilst my curves have increased through emotional eating and lack of moving (that is a whole different story), it is time to move forward and be grateful for the things I can do.  Because that is alot more than I could eight months ago.

So here is getting closer to motivation town and far away from frustration town (I'm only allowed to visit you on the odd occasion, being realistic here).   

Have a fun Tuesday and catch you down the road of motivation....

Shell xo :)

PS:  I promise will write soon.... :)

Thursday 3 April 2014

No Happy Ankle Here :(

Head spinning....

Ever had a couple of weeks where the head spins, and you feel like you are stuck in a revolving door.  My revolving door has consisted of Dr, Physio, Xray, repeat, and yep lets repeat that again, and ok CT scan time now.  No, specialist now and an MRI.  Man can I get off this revolving door now.

That's a long story short.  Yesterday, was the final head spinning moment where I got told by the Orthopedic surgeon; "you don't have a happy ankle".  Really; wondering what gave that away the swelling that is still there after 6 1/2 weeks, the fact you nearly sent me sky high when you hit the mark pressing into my ankle or maybe that I'm still stuck in a fabbo boot, or well, enough of the sarcasm now, yep.

Anyways the 70.3 Ironman goal is over for this year. :( End result and final conclusion; fractured my fibula near ankle (that is nearly repaired woot woo).  But and herein lies the kicker, MRI revealed; I have badly bruised bones around said ankle, and extensive soft tissue damage.  Again with the words you did "a good job and my you have a high pain threshold," remarked as putting in the long pointy thing containing local anesthetic and cortisone directly into X marks the spot on the ankle.  Yeah, baby. 

Another 2 months rehab getting from boot to ankle brace, then see what happens.  No improvement back to surgeon.  Bike and running not for probably 6 months.  Bruised bones and soft tissue damage take a very, very long time to heal, apparently. Alright.

So this is well and truly my mental fitness months of training in preparation for me to do 70.3 Ironman one day because it's going to happen.  I hope the first one will be Cairns but as this has taught me who knows what is around the corner.  And really it's about having a go.  So it is just meant to be later that I have my go.  Looks like the mental fitness is coming first.  Plus guns from swimming.

Head slowly coming to stop...
Bonus:  No surgery....I can still swim with pool buoy, I can still travel (very happy days), have camera in hand makes a happy camper, and I think I'm about to get creative with one leg exercise so stick around that could be well worth a laugh. 

Train safe, avoid tennis balls and 
have awesome day.
Yours, my head is going stop spinning
Shell xox :)

70.3 Cairns Course Change

(18th March)

Last year the swim leg was in Trinity Inlet.  Off the wharf of the marina in the heart of the city, where boats head out to the reef, sea planes lay anchor oh and the occasionally a snappy hand bag is seen.  But hey, they are further up the inlet, apparently. 

The whispers that were filtering through the tri world, ironman land, and local cairns channels where confirmed.  The course has changed.  Dant Dan Dahhhhhhh.

Change; some people embrace it, some people it scares the shite out of.  Depending on what it is.  The later is generally me.  However; at the moment, I’ll be happy just too bloody compete.

Oh the drag of swimming in waters off Palm Cove.  Yeah, sure there are still snappy hand bags, it’s the tropics.  But the probability of one snapping at your heals, is lower.  Gotta love odds.  It is going to be a bit rougher and more head winds on the bike.  Everyone will be in the same boat, so maybe it is a solider on moment.

At this stage like I said, I’ll be happy to just compete and I like the new course changes.  But I’m no expert so will see what happens there.

Embrace the change
Shell xoxo :)

Kinky Boot

(17 March update)

Yeah, it’s not what you think, but at least I got you reading. :)

The roller coaster continues and the last visit to the doctor whilst official report from x-ray number three had yet to reach the office.  It was yahoo, because the boot was coming off and getting to the physio.  Bone mending and ligament; ok.  Get swimming and physio and start building up.  How awesome.

Then in a space of 24 hours the world of training crash and burns again with call from Dr with official written report; bone is going really well, mending.  Ligament, you are not paying the game. So the long and short of that; can swim with pool buoy only, but if hurts stop.  Can start physio, but if it hurts stop, oh and back in the boot for another 1 to 2 weeks.  For next two weeks if hurts stop and rest.  How awesome is that.

my fabbo boot..might need sparkles soon :)
It appears my fabbo moon boot doesn’t want to depart this curvy girl and wants to hang around for another couple of weeks.  Well, bless my cotton socks isn’t that amazing. 

No there isn’t any sarcasm in my voice whatsoever. :)

Again it’s a tiny setback but man it makes me all the more determined to get back into what I use to whinge about most; training.  Isn’t it funny when things get taken away, you appreciate them more and something not to be taken for granted.  

Time is ticking away and cannot deny that little gem, but hoping that the ‘fourth’ x-ray will be nothing but good news.  In meantime, I want it to get better and no permanent damage from doing something stupid.  Already did that hee hee, so swimming with pool buoy it is woot woo.  For a person that loves breathstroke and swims most of the time breathstroke, it is the universes way of saying get that freestyle working girlfriend.  So, freestyle it is.

Puss in boot still…
Shell xo :)

Monday 10 March 2014

Waiting...mind games...waiting...hmmm

Two weeks of being puss in boot (plus the week before without) it is amazing how doing no training, sitting on ones butt can send the mind into overdrive.

Dream a little distant at moment :(
Two weeks 'immobilised' to start with were docs orders for my fabulous boot.  Together with a "if you must" you can swim with a pool buoy.  But I've done the 'listening' to my body this week and so far the aching ankle/leg has won out, no swimming either.  At the end of the day I figure it is better to get this thing fixed well and truly.  So down the track don't have further problems to put me out permanently.

BUT there in enters the waiting game....as she taps her fingers up and down on the desk.  In the past week, I've scanned the internet and truly if you took on board everything you read happening in the world, you'd be in the corner rocking backwards and forwards.  (I was seriously trying to avoid that before reading all the doom and gloom.)  Holy dooly people what is going on? 

By far the most disturbing for me was attack in China, in beautiful city of Kunming (Spring city).  I've
Bird and flower market of Kunming.
been there several times with charity that does summer camps for orphans.   I've danced with elderly in the People's park, doing their daily exercise with smiles.   Have friends live there.  Caught buses outside the very train station where 160 people were stabbed in cold blooded attacks by northern militant group (30 are now dead).  It is so sad that our tolerance for each other's beliefs, idealism, and need to use brutal violence is apparently only way (for some in their eyes) to be heard and point put across.  Or just do random things for no apparent reason.  It's that split second moment that changes hundreds of people's lives forever. 

With what positive thoughts I've been struggling to hold on to these past couple of weeks I send it to the families that have lost loved ones there.  It puts things into perspective and I know things are all relative. 

I may be injured, however, I still have my life, beautiful hubby, family, friends, house, food etc.  So I figure might be out six weeks maybe longer of my training schedule, next week I'll have more of an idea.  At the end of the day it's a dream, goal and my chasing a rainbow, sometimes they work, sometimes they don't.  I do know there is one determined little vegemite keen to get back to training and make that finish line happen.

Which is funny because I used to be the chickeebabe that could sit for hours and watch tv, movies one after the other, stuff my face with food and thought, wow, isn't this cool.  Now (and I really don't know where this other chick has been hiding)  I see the sunshine or the rain outside and think where can I chase my rainbow today. Plus I'm looking at options of where else I can travel and do 70.3's if I can't do Cairns this year (and I haven't even completed one full one yet...totally nutter). 

When I train it makes me happy and also makes me feel great, even if get smashed during the session.  (yep, again with the nutter and OMG I think I've turned to the dark side of wanting to be all fitter and healthy because it is a great feeling..hee hee) I really miss that at the moment.   (I know, lay off the pain meds ha ha).

That old brain and I have been having a roller coaster over the past couple of weeks.  Frustration,
Flower from Hubby, called cat whiskers :)
happy, sad, etc.   Then this morning my amazing hubby leaves a beautiful flower for me on kitchen bench.    Everything turns to rainbows again.  Although, when you have idle time, that brain goes into overdrive..  Man, it is one powerful organ in the body ticking away there.  That if you don't get a control over it instead of chasing rainbows, dark clouds can hover and consume.  I might be hovering in-between some days at the moment but I'm really trying to aim for the rainbows.  Maybe this is the part where I mental prepare for my 70.3 ahead.  Maybe....

Aiming for happy days..and searching for good news stories. :)
Shell xoxo