Wednesday 5 February 2014

Week two's a wrap

I'm not too sure where all this week went.  I think there were a couple of black out days because I'm still shaking my head.   I've actually, officially, laid out 100's of dollars to compete in a crazy race "because it's fun". 

Monday was AustraliaDay public holiday so a short cliffy shuffle along the Barron Gorge Road.  There are worst places to train believe me.  The peace of the rainforest, running crystal clear waters of the mountains heading to the Coral Sea, blank out your screams of pain on the gentle inclines of the mountainous road.  But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. 

My beast, still un-named maybe I should get onto that...
Tuesday, the threat of cyclone off the coast lead to the bike being on the wind trainer, just keep peddling.  Bit like one of those silent movies where the character keeps running but doesn't get anywhere because scenery is actually scrolling past him.  It's an interesting ride. 

Wednesday, still raining but no gentle sea breeze.  Our cousins further south got that one.  So you really can't put off swimming because hey you are going to get wet anyways and preschool squad is one of favourite parts of the week.  Except when doing said chicken wings, catch up drills etc.  Breathstoke, bring it on.  Ending the day with another bike session on the wind trainer with teamies.

Thursday,  my awesome day off and getting ribbed because I didn't get up at 6am to run hills with my team mates.  They really haven't learnt I don't 'do' early mornings, some know and they would agree with me.  Coach M has great delight in annoying me on early morning starts; it's funny - yep.  When my day says you are free as a bird.  My mind and bloomin old body says, yippee.  Let's celebrate and have a nanny nap.  Awwwh.  End of story.

Friday, Saturday, Sunday have all blurred with mixture of tri club, boot camp, cardio tennis, and running.  But at least week two is done and dusted.  Yahoo.

It may be only week two but the roller coaster has began with good and crap sessions.  My favourite
leg swimming this week sucked.  Nearly fell off the bike, that's to be expected.  BUT my milestones; I ran 10km with help of my team mate, tackled my first hill on bike and conquered (remember I'm a learner on the bike), and this morning ran 40min non stop.  So I think the important thing dust off the bad crap and grab with both hands the stuff I achieved this week and never had before, even if they are wee milestones.  They are milestones for me.  Bring on week three....

Train well and safe
Shell xo :)

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